enescaT. 93 445 65 65
enescaT. 93 445 65 65

Dr. Fulvia Kucharski

Cosmetic dentistry - Col. Nº 5163 COEC


Dr Kucharski has a Bachelor´s degree in Dentistry from Alfonso X El Sabio University in Madrid. She is a cosmetic dentistry specialist, and completed her training by taking a Master´s degree in Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry at Federal Rio Grande do Sul University in Brazil, and a Postgraduate degree in Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Rehabilitation at the Catalonian Association of Dentists and Stomatologists. Dr Kucharski is a highly experienced dentist who has specialised in the use of our Digital Smile Design software and advanced dental photography, and will give you the beautiful natural smile you´ve always wanted.

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